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Working Together


We continue to listen and respond to the voice of the provider - your voice. In our recent satisfaction surveys, you told us that we are heading in the right direction with the improvements we have made. We recognize that providers are encountering many changes in the industry today. It is more important than ever that we focus on reducing your administrative burden to support your important work with consumers.

Our Provider Focus

Provider Focus is the way we do business

We have conducted a variety of Voice of the Customer studies – by phone, online and in person – with individual clinicians, groups and facilities. Your voice has shaped our approach to the technological, operational and interactive solutions implemented over the last two years.

We maintain an internal campaign to encourage and challenge all employees across Optum to rethink and reinvent how we serve you. This program actively reinforces the key Optum value of building relationships.

Online Capabilities

We continue to expand the tools and resources available on Provider Express

The content on Provider Express is updated on a regular basis to provide you with current, need-to-know information in one convenient location. We are continuously improving Provider Express to bring you additional time-saving tools and helpful information.

Discounted EMRs and ePrescribe Solutions:

Optum has worked with top industry vendors to help providers grow and manage their practices. Discounted options are available for EMRs and ePrescribe Solutions. Also, get information on low interest loans.

Secure Transactions:

Ongoing enhancements to Provider Express include secure transactions to offer you additional electronic methods for doing business securely and efficiently. Some of our features include My Patients, Claim Adjustment Request and a streamlined Claim Entry process.

Guided Tours:

If you have not yet accessed the many secure transactions available on Provider Express, we encourage you to visit our Guided Tour to learn more! We created these online tutorials to help you take advantage of the time-saving transactions and features within Provider Express.


We offer webinars throughout the year to provide information on key topics that are relevant to your practice. We encourage you to check the Webinars page as new topics are added throughout the year.

Secure Message Center:

This feature on Provider Express allows you and Optum staff to communicate with one another in a secure, electronic environment. Communication can be initiated by either party around a variety of topics. To find out more about Secure Message Center, access this secure transaction from the main menu of Provider Express today! If you do not yet have a Login ID for Provider Express, simply click the First-time User link on the home page of Provider Express and use the Self-Registration feature.

Recovery & Resiliency Toolkit:

We designed this resource center to provide ready access to current information and material related to Recovery & Resiliency. Here you will find printable tools and links to reputable resources that may be of use to you when addressing personal strengths, recovery and wellness planning or other related topics with clients.

Network Management Provider Service Line

Our national Provider Service Line has improved live-answer and first-call resolution

We maintain a single toll-free number to provide you with one point of contact for your network-related questions and issues. This added service offers:

  • Direct access to dedicated Network Management staff
  • Expanded hours of support from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM (CST)
  • First-call resolution 90% of the time
  • Accurate and timely information

We have heard from you that the Provider Service Line makes it easy to work with Optum.

imPACT Award

Nominating and recognizing you through the imPACT award

Appreciation for your work and professionalism comes in many forms. Our imPACT award program provides Optum employees with a personal avenue to recognize and celebrate the positive impact that you have on consumers’ lives. Recipients will be awarded a special imPACT certificate of recognition. Display the imPACT award to showcase our appreciation of your work with consumers.

Our Communication with You

Communication is foundational to a strong working relationship

We recognize your time is valuable. Clear, consistent and timely communication is foundational to our strong working relationship. We have enhanced our communication with you in a variety of ways providing the information you need most, as efficiently as possible.

Communicating in new ways:

We recognize the limitations of traditional mail. Electronic communication helps us share information in a more efficient manner.

We are using a targeted-messaging approach that leverages multiple communication methods, including:

> Secure Message Center on Provider Express
> SubscriberMail® emails
> Auto-dialer messaging by phone
> Facsimile transmissions
> Webinars on key topics of interest

Communicating consistently:

To help ensure clear, consistent and accurate communication nationally, we built a communication resource center for our internal teams. Staff members across multiple departments and locations can access the resource center to provide quick and accurate answers to your questions.

We also created a library of materials to equip our regional Network teams with information to share with you covering a variety of topics that are relevant to you. Some of these topics include:

> Electronic Payments and Statements
> Credentialing and Recredentialing
> Coordination of Care
> Recovery & Resiliency
> Fraud, Waste and Abuse

We foster a culture of integrity, compassion, relationships, innovation and performance to meet your needs every day. We listen and respond to your feedback. We encourage you to contact us with any questions, comments or feedback.